At Vanjoh Graphics we take pride in knowing our TEAM consist of dedicated Subject Matter Experts in the ARMY’s Real Property Planning System ePRISMS. Our TEAM of experienced and knowledgable staff have been managing and populating real property assets into ePRISMS since 2008. With the responsibility of managing over 12M GSF of mixed use space, VanJoh has the experience to implement an ePRISMS solution for your organization. In addition to ePRISMS support, VanJoh also provides system inventory analysis, real property audits, floor plan data collection and development, data verification, data reconciliation and correction, DD1354 development, real property survey and analysis, facility utilization and unit analysis, facility condition reporting, real property reporting, and on-site investigation support.
VanJoh also supports Real Property Programs and Initiatives such as GFEBS (Real Property), Reduce the Footprint, Enhanced Use Leasing, CFOA Audit Readiness, Inventory Management, Disposal Actions, Space Management and Assignment Re-Assignment Documentation Support.
At APG, VanJoh has managed and supported the ARMY’s ePRISMS system since 2008. The Enterprise Pro-Active Real Property Interactive Space Management System is the Army’s real property utilization system. It provides the Army enterprise with web-enabled, space management and utilization capabilities. VanJoh is currently responsible for the overall management and sustainment of ePRISMS at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Vanjoh’s services include: ePRISMS implementation in January 2017, setup and configuration for ePRISMS computer access, updating all data sets through the ePRISMS Dashboard, coordination with IMCOM’s O&M Team for data uploads, creating PRISMS Standard CADD Files (PFS) and updating of all existing ePRISMS polygons. VanJoh adherer’s to the latest ePRISMS QAP and AEC guidelines. Our services also include onsite training and awareness of the ePRISMS. APG currently has over 100 personnel with ePRISMS access. | SUPPORT SERVICES:
The Army’s goal of space utilization planning and management is to maximize the efficient use and value to the Government of all Army controlled land, facilities, and space to support assigned missions per AR 405-70. VanJoh provides space planning and management support as it relates to database management and maintenance through GFEBS. These services include facility use physical investigations involving taping and measuring for linear and SF verification. VanJoh also provides space planning and management support as it relates to capital plans and projects, especially, but not limited to, administrative and laboratory space. Other services include space studies, facility use investigations, and space requirements investigations and reporting both for internal use and for meeting higher level reporting requirements. VanJoh regularly demonstrates working knowledge of AR 405-70 (Utilization of Real Estate), DA PAM 420-10 (Space Management). | SUPPORT SERVICES:
VanJoh is responsible for updating, managing and maintaining the database of record (GFEBS) with approx., 3,450 assets to include entering all data necessary for GFEBS to be compliant and complete including updating pooled space and rental objects, unit of measure, CATCODES, and update/correct data in GFEBS so it aligns with the down trace systems square footage for accurate reporting. Existing Installation assets are identified and maintained in GFEBS to satisfy the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) reporting requirements. Data is then electronically uploaded into HQIIS and Installation RPLANS on a quarterly basis to feed the Army’s integrated suite of planning tools, such as OSD’s Facility Sustainment model (FSM). | SUPPORT SERVICES:
Controls must be in place to ensure proper accountability from acceptance to disposal of all government real property including Real Property Accountable Officer (RPAO) signature, completed Department of Defense Form (DD Form) 1354 and Transfer and Acceptance of Military Real Property Records. VanJoh demonstrates a knowledge of IMCOM required and APG specific facility turn-in processes, maintains documentation of all APG and IMCOM required facility clearance documents including but not limited to environmental clearance procedures and documentation, safety clearance procedures and documentation, operations and maintenance clearance procedures and documentation, and the drafting, routing and documenting of facility release and reassignment correspondence. VanJoh also maintains APG’s Facility Information Files, and updates GFEBS with release and reassignment data, major rehabilitation and renovation data, and other data as required through GFEBS. | SUPPORT SERVICES:
To support Aberdeen Proving Grounds’ (APG) CFOA requirement, VanJoh along with Spatial Engineering conducted a full assessment of a statistically significant sample size of the DPW’s documentation and information in physical folders and real property records in GFEBS for accuracy and completeness. The following steps were executed to track each folder:
VanJoh offers varying levels of support services to ARMY Garrison Organizations in the following system(s), database(s) and program(s): | SUPPORT SERVICES:
DUNS#: 053214420
Cage Code: 1KBP5
Contract #: GS-35F-620GA
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD